Take Advantage of Visa Rebates

There’s no better time to come to Australia to work, holiday and study!

With a massive need for workers across the country, the Australian Government has announced it will rebate visa fees for any fully vaccinated Students and Working Holiday Makers who come to work in Australia. The rebate applies to current visa holders who return to Australia as well as new Visa applicants, and the Government has promised to fast-track new applications, such is the current demand for workers.

In essence:

  • Working Holiday Maker visa holders who are currently offshore and come to Australia during the next 12 weeks (before mid-April) will be eligible for a refund of their Visa Application Charge – that’s AU$495.
  • Any Student visa holder who is currently offshore and comes to Australia over the next 8 weeks (before mid-March), will be eligible for a refund of their Visa Application Charge – that’s AU$630.
  • These changes will also apply for new applications, which will be processed quickly so applicants can come to Australia during the refund window.

Work as much as you like!

As well as rebating visa fees:

  • The Government is temporarily removing the limit on Student visa holders’ working hours across all sectors of the economy.
  • Effective immediately and until the end of 2022, there is no limit on the length of time Working Holiday Makers can work for the same employer.


What next?

To find out more, quickly check your eligibility for a visa or get in touch with an expert from the Ayers Group to discuss visa eligibility. You can also visit the Department of Home Affairs for more information.

The Ayers Group is one of few companies that is approved by the Australian Department of Immigration to, then and on hire international workers to other employers in Australia. We can help you prepare your application and, if appropriate, provide pre-approval so you can start looking for jobs. Talk to us today.