Working Holiday Program Visa Changes Coming

Eased restrictions on Australia’s Working Holiday Program come to an end on 31 December 2022.

This means that from 1 January 2023, you’ll only be able to work with the same employer for up to six months if you’re in Australia on a 417 visa. After that, you’ll need to find a new employer.

This rule applies whether you are employed full time, part time, or on a voluntary basis. Importantly, it’s based on time passed since you started working with a particular employer, i.e., six months from your start-date as opposed to being based on the number of hours or days worked since engagement.

The good news is that if you are engaged by the Ayers Group, your arrangement with us is ongoing – while you won’t be able to continue working with the same client, we will be able to on-hire you to another organisation.

As one of few companies approved by the Australian Department of Home Affairs (Immigration Department) to hire and on hire international workers, we can help you to remain in Australia and in employment.

If you’re currently on a 417 Visa, talk to the Ayers Group today. We can help you manage your contractual obligations and minimise the burden of paperwork as you move between contracts. We can also advise you on your eligibility for a 482 visa, and if you are eligible, we can help you with this process.

Talk to an expert at the Ayers Group today.