2019 is shaping up to be momentous for Australia and all Australians. This year, as we go to the polls to choose our new leaders nationally and in NSW, Generations Y and Z will move into prime positions in the workplace. Indeed, Generation Y (born 1980–1994), Generation Z (born 1995–2009) and Generation Alpha (born since 2010) will make up more than half of the population, bringing with them new values for living, working and relationship building. Those values will in part, be shaped by findings from the various significant Royal Commissions and inquiries of recent years that have reawoken the country’s moral compass. They’ve highlighted where we’ve allowed things to go wrong right across the community and to a great extent, renewed our desire for simplicity, honesty and transparency in life and at work. Streamlining processes to simplify and reduce workloads will be a priority for our workforce who are tired of “being busy” and keen to finding the elusive work life balance. The desire to give back will continue as we reflect on individuals and communities who need support, and we realise the social and business returns that come with investment in community service. Open, Honest, Transparent Openness, honesty and transparency will be the catch cry for smart organisations in 2019. With good reason – several iconic organisations have failed the test for honesty and integrity over the past years and they’ve been brought to account. Think Apple with its smartphones that slowed down after a software upgrade, and Facebook with its data privacy breach… and then there are the Australian banks! Organisations that behave with openness and honesty are set to benefit as consumers, suppliers and authorities increasingly scrutinise policies and processes of those they deal with. By establishing and maintaining strong, trusting relationships with all stakeholders these businesses will achieve sustainable growth. Honesty, transparency and trust are at the heart of everything Ayers Group does – as partners in contractor management, payroll and migration services, we manage our clients’ business as if it were our own. Talk to an Ayers Group consultant today about the services we offer to help you grow your business.