Right across Australia, big businesses are increasingly turning to contractors to fulfil short and long terms roles that range from admin and PA right through to IT, accounting, graphic designers and much more. It’s a sound strategy considering the uncertainty surrounding the local and international economy. Doing so enables you to maintain a lean operation while meeting your current obligations and taking a more strategic path to growth. Consider for instance the following competitive advantages that come with outsourcing roles to contractors: Access to interstate and international contractors means you can maximise productivity and get ahead of your competition by keeping your business going 24/7. This will also enable you to service customers in different time zones as well.Engaging contractors gives you the freedom to only pay for the particular skill set you need when, and for as long as you need it – there’s no need for costly employee training in tasks that may only be required in the short term.Taking on contractors means you can access skills from overseas that may not be available in Australia – and you’ll probably find they’ll bring new ideas and upskill your existing local workforce while they’re with you.Engaging contractors from the countries you’re looking to break into will give you insights into business and cultural considerations and may lead to connections needed to establish yourself there. When times are booming, you’ll have the flexibility to bring on contractors in the short term, then pull back to a more affordable workforce in the downtimes.When you take on contractors there are fewer costs associated with recruiting and training staff.Your core staff will be able to focus on their primary responsibilities rather than being stretched into roles they’re not suitable for. What about the flip-side? So, now that we’ve ascertained the advantages of taking on contractors, there are a few things you’ll need to put into place to avoid any issues: Make sure the contractors you engage have no conflict of interest with other clients that could negatively impact your business.Ensure their priorities align with yours so that the required deadlines and quality of work will be achieved.Be sure to put in place any required protocols to protect data security.Chat to your existing staff about your plans so they don’t feel put out, undermined or undervalued – they need to know the contractors you’re taking on are there to complement their activity, not take it over! Need help with your contractors? The Ayers Group is renowned for its customised contractor management services. With back-office solutions to efficiently manage the administration of contracts, payroll, novated leasing and more, we can help streamline your processes, giving you more time to get back to business. Looking to hire from overseas? The Ayers Group is one of few companies that is approved by the Australian Department of Immigration to hire and on-hire international workers. We can even take your contractors on as tax employees of the Ayers Group, freeing you of the risks associated with visa sponsorship, and enabling your mobile talent to take on multiple contracts that provide the diverse experience they’re looking for. Talk to an expert from the Ayers Group today.