Australia’s Borders Open to Business

It’s back to business… Australia’s borders are now open for international travel, to all visa holders who are fully vaccinated.

Unvaccinated visa holders still need to be in an exempt category or hold an individual travel exemption to enter the country. Additionally, all travellers must comply with Australia’s pre-flight testing and declaration requirements as well as any post-arrival testing and quarantine arrangements as determined by our various states and territories.

Once in the country, people must also comply with the local state of territory’s rules.


Most premises are now open to everyone, regardless of whether they are fully vaccinated or not and people no longer need to show evidence of their full vaccination unless they:

  • attend an indoor music festival with more than 1000 people, or
  • work in certain industries.


COVID-19 Safe Check-in and Mask rules are also being relaxed in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland and businesses right across the country are encouraging employees back to work if they feel comfortable and if effective measures have been put in place to protect workforce health. Check your state and territory requirements which are regularly updated by the Fairwork Ombudsman here.


Read more about preparing your business to return to work here.


To find out more about what you can and can’t do in your state or territory use this handy tool.


Do you have everything in place?

Getting back to business after two years of managing COVID-19 is a relief but it’s also daunting. At The Ayers Group we’ve got experts on hand who can manage your admin, payroll and contractors. In doing so you’ll be free to attend to getting your business and staff back on track. Can an expert from The Ayers Group today.