There’s no question that it’s difficult to attract and hold on to the best talent right now – people are job switching, unemployment is at an all-time low, and as much as the Government is trying to make it easier for employers to bring people in from overseas, identifying the people you need then getting them here takes time. On top of this, inflationary pressures and economic uncertainty make it difficult for employers to feel confident about increasing the remuneration on offer. One way to attract and/or hold on to the people you need is to make the dollars you’re offering go further. There are many ways to do this for existing and new team members that won’t cost you more. Consider, for instance, offering novated leasing which will enable your team members to pay off a car lease from pre-taxed income, leaving them with a smaller gross income from which their tax will be calculated. Laptops, mobile phones etc can also be paid for out of pre-taxed income, and you can offer a salary sacrificing arrangement that will both lower their taxable income and increase their superannuation savings. Ready to Offer More? At the Ayers Group we can introduce you to reputable accountants, financial advisers and novated leasing specialists who can work with your team members to help them make their dollars go further without the need for a wage increase. We can also remove the day-to-day burden of your contractors’ work-related administration. Contact an expert at the Ayers Group today.